Boost Performance and Longevity Center

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Member Boost Performance and Longevity Center
401 RR 620 South  320
Austin, TX 78734
Phone 5128889086
Member Since 11/29/2022
Business Categories ---

Business Description

Our approach relies on functional integrative medicine, combining two medical traditions that are focused on overall well-being. Functional medicine is highly individualized, relying on careful review of extensive lab testing, lifetime medical records, and results from advanced scanners to develop treatment programs designed to ease the unique physical and physiological challenges each patient faces. It focuses on underlying causes, rather than dealing primarily with surface-level symptoms. Integrative medicine then adds the element of treating each patient as a whole, complex person: mental, physical, and spiritual health all affect one another deeply, and integrative medical practice is focused on finding the relationships between them that are dysfunctional or unhealthy.

Boost Performance and Longevity Center
401 RR 620 South, 320

Austin, TX 78734